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Give to support the great work of the members of the Junior League of the Palm Beaches.

There are many young children in our community who are falling behind because they don’t have books at home to practice fundamental reading skills. There are girls making the tough decision to skip school because they don’t have the period supplies they need to make it through the day. Families are going through tough times with children in the hospital for life saving surgery, and youth aging out of foster care who just need kindness, mentorship, and a homemade meal to know that someone cares.

This is where the Junior League of the Palm Beaches is focusing their efforts to help those in need. During our current league year, we have distributed 1,855 books, volunteered 501 hours through our Done in a Day program, & distributed 635,417 period supplies.

Over the past year, we have witnessed incredible achievements, thanks to the unwavering commitment of individuals like you who believe in our mission. While we reflect on a wonderful year behind us & those that we have been able to help, we are reminded that there is hope for the future. With a passion for community service and leadership, the Junior League continues to strive to make an impact for Palm Beach County residents.

I am asking for your help by making a financial contribution to the Junior League of the Palm Beaches.

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